Motivational Presentations for Adult Groups
Providing entertaining educational inspirational programs that offer encouragement and hope.Steve is anything but a talking head. Through the use of magic, music, juggling, comedy, audience participation, movement, live animals and storytelling, Steve Harmer shares messages in creative and innovative ways. You’ll laugh, you’ll listen, you’ll learn and you may even cry as Steve shares messages that touch the head and the heart.
Steve’s presentations are excellent for parents, groups, teachers, conventions, service clubs, health care providers, community functions and professional groups.

Sample Presentations for Adult Groups
Courage, Character & Caring
“Investing in Our Children”
- Dare to Invest in Others
- Dare to Show Character
- Dare to Foster Self-Esteem
- Dare to Build Assets
- Dare to Model Courage
- Dare to Care

Are You Taking Your B12?
“The Secret to Health and Wholeness”
- B Kind
- B Loving
- B Attentive
- B Caring
- B Courageous
- B Strong
- B Yourself
- B Passionate
- B Honest
- B Forgiving
- B Faithful
- B Generous
Ask About Bookings
Feel free to contact Steve about booking dates, questions about his shows or to add a testimonial as he loves hearing from his clients. 🙂