School Assembly Programs
Steve Harmer specializes in providing fun educational magic assembly shows that offer encouragement and hope to students across western Canada.
Magic with a Message
Magic captures the imagination of both young and old. Colorful props, juggling, rabbits, doves, music and laughter engage us at both a heart and a head level. The fun, excitement and mystery of illusions, tricks and puzzles when applied to teaching concepts make the content memorable. Magic helps make an abstract concept concrete and therefore easier to understand. The use of object lessons, and graphic visual aides support the current “brain research” as well as work in “multiple intelligences”.

13 Motivational Magic Programs To Choose From!
Program 1: Character Education!
“Courage Character and Caring”
This is based on Safe and Caring Schools
- Dare To Be Decent
- Dare To Believe In Yourself
- Dare To Take A Stand
- Dare To Be Different
- Dare To Be Courageous
- Dare To be a Friend

Program 2: Bully Prevention!
“Be Aware and Care”
This is based on the Bully Proofing Curriculum
- Be Aware (of what bullying is)
- Be Safe
- Be Caring
- Be Involved
- Be a Friend
Program 3: RESPECT!
“Don’t Laugh at Me”
Topics: 8 Road Signs To Guide Us
- Right Way (the choice is yours)
- No Dissing Here (no disrespecting)
- No Name Calling (even in fun)
- BU (be yourself)
- U Matter (you are valuable)
- Put-ups Peace Place (no put-downs)
- Ridicule Free Zone (no hurting with words)
- Don’t Laugh At Me

Program 4: 6 Keys to SUCCESS!
“Every person can experience success as we maximize our potential”
What is success? That’s easy to see, It’s trying to be the best you can be!
- Key #1: Hard Work
- Key #2: Attitude
- Key #3: Cooperation
- Key #4: Talent
- Key #5: Self-Control
- Key #6: Love
Program 5: LEADERSHIP!
The Magic of Leadership
“Six Leadership Tools from our Leadership Toolbox”
- Vision: -seeing the goal, seeing solutions
- Golden Rule: -treat others respectfully
- Character: -choosing what is right
- Teamwork: -Together Everyone Achieves More
- Communication: -speaking & listening
- Persistence: -don’t give up when it’s tough

The Friendship Factor
“To Find a Friend, Be a Friend”
7 Secrets to Building Friendships:
F – Feelings – consider the feeling of others
R – Real – be yourself not a fake
I – Invite – invite others to play
E – Encourage – build people up
N – Name – learn and use people’s names
D – Dependable – keep your promises
S – Smile – use this universal language
Program 7: 7 Habits
7 Habits of Highly Effective Kids
– based on the work of Stephen Covey
- Be Proactive
- Begin with the End in Mind
- Put First things First
- Think Win – Win
- Seek First to Understand
- Synergize
- Sharpen the Saw

Program 8: Super Kids! Super Heroes!
“You can learn to be a HERO to others! You can find a HERO as a role model“
H – HELP others with your actions
E – ENCOURAGE others with your words
R – RESPECT other with how you think
O – OTHERS Put others first
Program 9: Be a Bucket Filler!
“We all need our emotional buckets filled and we need to fill the buckets of others with love!”
- WHAT is a “bucket”?
- WHO are bucket fillers?
- HOW do we fill a bucket?
- WHY fill buckets?
- WHERE do we fill buckets?
- WHEN do we fill buckets?

“Developing Smart, Strong and Successful Kids“
7 Strategies to help us recover from setbacks:
- Connection: Your relationships with others
- Confidence: Knowing you do many things well
- Competence: Skills and abilities you have
- Contribution: Ways you make the world better
- Coping: How you deal with problems
- Character: Knowing right from wrong
- Control: Knowing your choices matter
Program 11: Build A Better World
“Build yourself! Build others! Build this place!”
“You can choose to BUILD UP or to BREAK DOWN!” “You can choose to HELP or to HURT!” This program is designed to challenge students to use 10 building blocks to build a better world!
Download Program Content

Program 12: KINDNESS & GRATITUDE – Your Superpowers!
These 2 superpowers are available and free.
They will enrich your life and the lives of others in amazing ways!
“Darkness can’t drive out darkness, only light can do that. Hate can’t drive out hate. Only love can do that.” Mother Teresa
“The antidote to entitlement is gratitude.” Rory Vaden
Program 13: Merry Christmas Magic Show
The Universal Values of Christmas! Regardless of your religion, Christmas is a time when we can all celebrate these wonderful values:
LOVE: That special feeling that fills your heart with affection
JOY: A deep happiness that happens from the inside out
PEACE: Being calm and settled in your life
HOPE: Knowing something desirable is about to happen

Ask About Bookings
Feel free to contact Steve about booking dates, questions about his shows or to add a testimonial as he loves hearing from his clients. 🙂